The calculator is designed to help you estimate the initial costs of starting your own trucking company. You can use your own numbers for more accuracy or use the default values provided, which are based on the expenses incurred when starting Haulin Assets LLC.
The numbers you input don’t need to be exact; they just need to be close enough to give you a realistic estimate of the cash required to start your trucking company.
Yes, the calculator provides a list of major expenses, and you can click on each item to get a brief explanation. For a more extensive overview, you can scroll down to learn how the calculator works.
Some of the major startup costs include:
Tractor Down Payment
Trailer Down Payment
Insurance Down Payment
Professional Services
IRP Registration Fees
Other Truck & Trailer Expenses
Truck down payments typically range from 10-20% of the truck’s total cost. For example, a new semi-truck can cost between $80,000 to $150,000. You can use the calculator to estimate your down payment based on these figures.
If you already own a truck or trailer, you can mark the down payment fields for these items as $0 in the calculator.
Yes, optional expenses such as Prepass, GPS, Phone & Internet, and a Tablet are included. These can be marked as $0 if you already have the necessary equipment.
Insurance is a crucial and often costly component of starting a trucking business. The down payment for insurance can vary greatly depending on factors like driving history, what you plan to haul, and how long you’ve been driving.
You can get in touch with a coach who can walk you through the calculator or help with other aspects of starting your trucking business. Contact information is provided for phone and email support.
The calculator includes default numbers based on the actual costs to start Haulin Assets. Additionally, you can explore more resources on financing your startup trucking company through the Haulin Assets podcast, including episodes on how to finance your truck and trailer.
No, this calculator is designed for startup costs only. To manage ongoing expenses, you can use the cost-per-mile calculator or other resources provided by Haulin Assets.
You can follow the Haulin Assets podcast to learn more about managing your business, including tips on financing, managing monthly expenses, and how to achieve success as an owner-operator.
These FAQs should help clarify the use and purpose of the calculator and guide users through the process of estimating their startup costs.
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